This is probably the MOST frequently asked question from potential clients. The short answer is NO. I will, however, want you to work with me on sorting through your things so that I can help YOU decide what you need and want to keep, what you’re willing to let go of, and – importantly – why. This is a process. My objective is for you to gain understanding into the reasons underlying your decisions.
That depends upon a number of factors: whether your target area is more focused (i.e. “I want to reorganize my kitchen” or “I want to create a home office”) or more generalized (i.e. I’m being swallowed up by paperwork and don’t know how to deal with it all.”) In the first case, I will suggest we schedule a finite number of three–to–four hour sessions and a timeline to get the task accomplished. More generalized situations often require an initial phase to “get you out from under,” followed by a period during which we work together to design a system tailored to the way you think and work in order to prevent a reoccurrence. This can be followed by occasional “check ups” if desired.